ERC Starting Grantee Andreas Jüttner joins SHEP
Andreas Jüttner joins SHEP staff with 1million Euro ERC Starting Grant
Here is a brief outline of his research:
Quarks are the fundamental particles that make up most of ordinary matter. They are bound together by the strong nuclear force, mediated by the exchange of gluons as described by Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD). Quarks and gluons are not detected directly in experiments because of confinement instead we see complicated bound states. By using simulations we are able to relate the bound state properties to those of the underlying quarks. The calculation is performed by constructing a discrete four dimensional space-time grid (the lattice) and then solving the QCD equations of motion on high performance computers.
New physics beyond the current Standard Model (SM) will be discovered through discrepancies between its predictions and experimental measurements as for example the ones currently carried out at LHCb CERN and at future B factories. LHCb has recently started taking data for processes that are particularly sensitive to new physics. To interpret the experimental data one needs theory predictions that can only be provided by lattice QCD.
In this project new new field theoretical methods and computational algorithms will be developed and employed on Europe's fastest high performance computers as well as on graphics cards. The aim is to complement Europe's current investments in experimental facilities by providing robust predictions from theory that are needed to interpret the experimental data.